Block Radiation at the Source

Full body scatter radiation protection for the entire healthcare team.

Now You Are Protected

High exposure to C-arm radiation has increased health risks for interventionists and medical teams. Side effects of scatter radiation exposure when caring for patients in the cath lab can be avoided.

Radiation Exposure Can Cause a Range of Health Issues

Brain Tumor
Breast Cancer
Cognitive Degradation
Fetal Exposure
Orthopedic Injury
Thyroid Disease

A Novel Robotic Radiation Shielding Device for Electrophysiologic Procedures: A Prospective Study

Avishag Laish-Farkash, MD, PhD1, Emanuel Harari, MD1, Michael Rahkovich, MD, Yonatan Kogan, MD, Gergana Marincheva, MD, Guy Scheinman, MD, Eyal Ben-Assa, MD, and Eli I. Lev, MD Ashdod, Israel


Fluoroscopy-guided procedures are the leading source of occupational ionizing radiation exposure for electrophysiologic (EP) personnel.1 High cumulative doses of X-ray radiation might increase the risk for malignancies,1 early development of cataracts,2 and orthopedic problems due to the heavy weight of lead aprons.3 Reducing high scatter radiation exposure during medical procedures is the principal task of many professional societies and advisory groups.4,5

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User Feedback Proved the Feasibility and Ease of Use for All Types of EP Procedures

A robotic Radiaction Shield System (RSS) was developed to provide full-body protection to all medical personnel during fluoroscopy-guided procedures by encapsulating the imaging beam and blocking scatter radiation.


We aimed to evaluate its efficacy in real-world electrophysiologic (EP) laboratories during ablations and cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIED) procedures.


A prospective controlled study comparing consecutive real-life EP procedures with and without the Radiaction Shield System using highly sensitive sensors in different locations.


Thirty-five ablations and 19 CIED procedures were done without the shield system installed, and 31 ablations and 24 CIED procedures (17 with usage levels ≥70%) were done with the shield system. Using Radiaction did not increase procedure time and radiation time.

  • Overall there was a 95% average usage level for ablations and 88% for CIEDs
  • For all procedures with ≥70% usage level and all sensors, the radiation with the shield system was significantly lower than radiation without
  • For ablations, there was an 87% reduction in radiation with the shield system
  • For CIEDs, there was an 83% reduction in radiation with the shield system


For both CIED and ablation procedures, the radiation with the Radiaction Shield System was significantly lower than without. Higher usage level brings higher reduction rates. Thus, the shield system may have an important role in the full-body protection of all medical personnel from scatter radiation during EP and CIED procedures.

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System Features
Radiation Blocking

Radiation Blocking at the Source

Staff Protection

Protection for the Entire Staff

Full Body

Full Body Head-To-Toe Protection

Patient Access

Allows Immediate Patient Access

Rapid Deployment

Rapid Deployment and Retraction (2-3 seconds)


Accessory to C-arm. Works in Any C-arm Angulation For All Cath Lab Procedures

Trusted in Clinical Settings

Dr. Ashish Bhatia | Electrophysiologist

"Prior to Radiaction, I was speaking to my facility about decreasing my procedure hours due to my concerns with radiation exposure, now I feel great comfort having the system in my EP lab, and I never want to perform procedures without it…the blue light indicating the system is deployed gives me great comfort."

Assuta Ashdod University MC

Prof. Avishag Laish-Farkash | Head of Electrophysiology

“Protecting myself and my team from scatter radiation is a top priority. Performing long ablation procedures and increased procedure volume exposes electrophysiologists to a high level of accumulated radiation, which becomes a real concern.”

Assuta Ashdod University Medical Center

Prof. Eli Lev. | Director Cardiology Department

“Our staff is exposed to a significant amount of scatter radiation, and our aim is to try and decrease and reduce radiation as much as we can….I have to say the system is very easy to deploy and operate. It incorporates very well with the flow of the coronary cath and EP arena. We have seen with our experience that it reduces radiation by over 90 percent, a very significant amount of radiation reduction.”

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